Royal Duyvis Wiener B.V.

24/7 Technical Support Hotline: +31 756 126 133

+31 756 126 126

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Versatile. Vibrant. Compound.

Cost-Efficiency Maximizers
Our compound processing equipment is designed to optimize cost efficiency, helping you achieve higher profitability by minimizing operational expenses without compromising quality.

Capacity Champions
Experience unparalleled productivity with our high-capacity solutions, enabling you to process large volumes of cocoa and chocolate with exceptional speed and precision, ensuring your production keeps up with the growing demands of the market.

Service Excellence Pioneers
We are pioneers in providing unparalleled support, backed by our dedicated team and comprehensive after-sales service, ensuring optimal performance, customer satisfaction, and peace of mind.

Revolutionary Compound Processing: Charting New Horizons with Advanced Innovations

Our state-of-the-art technologies and unparalleled equipment are precisely designed to enhance each stage of the compound processing journey. From innovative blending and homogenizing to exact tempering and molding, our machinery ensures consistent superiority. With Duyvis Wiener at your side, elevate your compound processing capabilities, delivering unmatched quality and maintaining a leading edge in the demanding market. Experience the essence of modernity and harness the infinite possibilities of your compound production with Duyvis Wiener.

Thouet 5 Roll Refiner

The new Thouet 5 Roll Refiners prioritize operator convenience and safety. With their intricate transparent design, operators can easily and safely view the refining process in action. This enhanced visibility empowers operators to make informed decisions, ensuring precise and superior cocoa refining outcomes. Experience the pinnacle of innovation with Thouet 5 Roll Refiner for unparalleled chocolate processing excellence.

The new Thouet 5 Roll Refiners embody our unwavering commitment to sustainability. Purposefully designed, these innovative machines significantly reduce energy usage and waste during chocolate refining. By integrating advanced technologies and optimizing efficiency, our 5 Roll Refiners not only deliver superior results but also contribute to a more environmentally responsible chocolate processing industry. Experience the perfect balance of innovation and sustainability with the Thouet 5 Roll Refiner, setting new benchmarks for excellence in chocolate processing.

To reduce or avoid downtime, the technical support mechanics at Royal
Duyvis Wiener B.V. are available 24/7 via the Technical Support hotline.

Contact our specialized team for all your questions

Compound Processing

Solid Ingredient Handling and Dosing

Ingredient Handling

Our integrated solution connects solid hoppers to liquid dosing systems, minimizing manual intervention. Boost productivity and reduce inconsistencies with our automated precision. Experience excellence in every step of ingredient management.

Continuous Mixer

Duyvis Wiener’s continuous mixer seamlessly blends ingredients like sugar, cocoa liquor, and milk powder. Transition from batch to uninterrupted processing, ensuring each recipe is perfectly tailored and uniformly mixed. Experience the future of mixing.

Duyvis Wiener Ball Mill Generation7


Duyvis Wiener’s refining line, equipped with 2 or 3 ball mills, ensures meticulous granularity. With the first ball mill dedicated to pre-refining and using larger grinding media, even the most substantial particles meet their match. Dive into the art of fine-tuned refining with Duyvis Wiener.

Wiecon 50

Duyvis Wiener’s innovative all-in-one vessel is crafted to execute two essential tasks concurrently: the pristine blending of ingredients and refining to the desired fineness. Experience the harmony of simultaneous mixing and grinding, encapsulated in one impeccable design.

Unveiling the Chocolate Compound Chronicles

How do you choose the right chocolate mixer?

Are you in the chocolate industry looking to improve your entire chocolate manufacturing process? Do you want to produce high-quality chocolate mass or delicious hot chocolate with shorter process times? Then you need to know about chocolate mixers. A chocolate mixer is a vital piece

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Thouet 5 roll refiner

Thouet 5 Roll Refiner

Royal Duyvis Wiener has strong roots in traditional chocolate processing with the Thouet brand. Their passion for the product combined with smart customer-driven engineering solutions made the fundament for the new 5 Roll Refiner, which will be available in January 2023. In addition to delivering

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Bean to bar machinery

Discovering the secrets behind bean to bar machinery

Bean to bar chocolate has been gaining popularity in recent years. The process of making chocolate from scratch has been a tradition for ages. It wasn’t until the industrial revolution that chocolate production became more automated. However, with the rise of craft chocolate, many chocolate

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Cocoa nibs grinder

Everything you need to know about the cocoa nibs grinder

Chocolate is an indulgent treat that has been enjoyed by many for centuries. Whether you are a chocolate manufacturer or a craft chocolate entrepreneur, you understand the importance of the cocoa nibs grinder in the chocolate making process. This machine is responsible for grinding cocoa

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Masterclass the cocoa practicum RDW

An overview of advanced cocoa processing machinery

Cocoa processing is a complex and essential process for the chocolate industry. The primary cocoa processing equipment includes roasting machines, peeling and grinding machines, pressing machines, and powder making machines. With the increasing demand for high-quality chocolates and cocoa powders, the need for advanced cocoa

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How does cocoa processing work

How does cocoa bean processing work?

If you are a chocolate lover, you may have wondered about the journey of cocoa beans from the cacao tree to your favorite chocolate product. The process of cocoa bean processing is complex and involves several stages, including fermentation, drying, roasting, and blending. In this

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Duyvis Wiener Ball Mill Generation7

What are ball mill machines and why do you need them?

Ball mill machines are essential equipment for processing powder materials in various industries, including the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. A ball mill machine is used to grind and mix materials, producing a finely ground powder suitable for a wide range of applications. At Royal

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Chocolate Machinery - 5 roll refiner

Chocolate machinery: high-quality chocolate production

Chocolate is a universally beloved treat, with a rich history and cultural significance. But, behind this lovely treat hides a complex process that requires expertise, precision, and quality machinery. The right chocolate machinery can make all the difference in producing high-quality chocolate products that are

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